In the world of SEO, structured data is a big deal. It helps search engines understand your website better, boosting your rankings and visibility. But how do you know if your structured data is correct? 


What is a Structured Data Testing Tool?

A structured data testing tool checks the structured data on your website. It ensures that the data follows the correct standards and is error-free.


Benefits of Using Structured Data Testing Tools

  1. Accuracy: Ensures your data is correctly implemented.
  2. Efficiency: Saves time by quickly finding errors.
  3. Optimization: Helps improve your site’s SEO.


Top Structured Data Testing Tools

Several great tools are out there to help you validate your structured data. 


Google Structured Data Testing Tool

This popular tool helps you test and validate your structured data according to Google’s standards.


Schema Markup Validator by Google

An updated version of Google’s tool with more features and better integration with Google’s Search Console.


Bing Markup Validator

Bing’s tool helps you validate your structured data to meet Bing’s search engine requirements. Structured Data Linter

An open-source tool that checks your data against’s guidelines.


Yandex Structured Data Validator

A tool from Yandex to help you validate your structured data for better performance on Yandex’s search engine.


Features to Look for in a Structured Data Testing Tool

When choosing a structured data testing tool, consider these features:



The tool should precisely identify errors and provide solutions.



The tool should deliver results quickly to save you time.


Compatibility with Various Schemas

Ensure the tool supports the specific schemas you are using.


Reporting Capabilities

Detailed reports help you understand issues and track improvements.


1. Google Structured Data Testing Tool


Google’s tool is reliable and widely used for testing structured data.


Key Features

  1. Supports many schemas
  2. Provides detailed error reports
  3. Easy to use


Pros and Cons


  1. Comprehensive testing
  2. Free to use
  3. Integrates with Google Search Console



  1. Limited support for non-Google schemas


How to Use It

  1. Enter your URL or code snippet.
  2. Click “Run Test”.
  3. Review the results and fix any issues.


2. Schema Markup Validator by Google


An updated tool from Google with advanced features.


Key Features

  1. Real-time validation
  2. Integration with other Google tools


Pros and Cons


  1. Up-to-date with Google’s latest requirements
  2. User-friendly



  1. May have occasional bugs


How to Use It

  1. Paste your URL or code snippet.
  2. Click “Validate”.
  3. Analyze the feedback and correct any errors.


3. Bing Markup Validator


Bing’s tool for validating structured data.


Key Features

  1. Detailed error reports
  2. Suggestions for improvement


Pros and Cons


  1. Optimizes for Bing
  2. Provides actionable insights



  1. Less comprehensive than Google’s tool


How to Use It

  1. Enter your URL.
  2. Run the validation.
  3. Follow the recommendations to improve your markup.


4. Structured Data Linter


An open-source tool for validating markups.


Key Features

  1. Supports many schemas
  2. Open-source and customizable


Pros and Cons


  1. Customizable
  2. Free to use



  1. It may require technical knowledge


How to Use It

  1. Input your URL or code snippet.
  2. Click “Lint”.
  3. Review and fix any issues.


5. Yandex Structured Data Validator


A tool from Yandex to ensure your structured data meets their requirements.


Key Features

  1. Supports multiple languages
  2. Detailed feedback on errors


Pros and Cons


  1. Tailored for Yandex
  2. Multilingual support



  1. Less known outside Russia


How to Use It

  1. Enter your URL.
  2. Click “Validate”.
  3. Implement the suggested changes.


How to Choose the Correct Tool for Your Requirement

Assessing Your Requirements

Determine what you need from a tool based on your site’s specific requirements and the search engines you’re targeting.


Considering Your Budget

Choose one that fits your budget.



Choosing the best structured data testing tool is crucial for optimizing your website’s SEO. Whether you use Google’s trusted tools or explore alternatives like Bing’s Markup Validator or’s Linter, the key is to regularly test and update your structured data.